Our Nonprofit

Environmental Action Reaching Throughout Humanity

The NPC is proud to announce that we have our own nonprofit! Check us out.... Environmental Action Reaching Throughout Humanity. We are excited and awaiting our 501c3 approval. We are also very pleased to announce that we have many new friends joining our crew! We would like to give a big warm proper welcoming to Sabina Jones, Aaron Griffin, Shannon McArthur, Autumn Rose Frontino, Kate O'Flaherty, Samara Nait, Miles Anderson, and Maisha. As we begin our scouting missions, we will be promoting, networking, and spreading the word about who we are. Dedicated humans are joining daily in helping to build a strong nomadic community. And still there are some who are joining from the comforts of their homes and helping with much needed office work. We welcome you all and humbly invite you to come be apart of The Nomadic Peace Caravan wherever you are! Bring yourselves, bring love in your hearts, and bring your strong desire to help protect and raise awareness for Mother Earth! BIG BIG hugs, love, and gratitude to you all!