Rio Grande Water Walk

In 2022, The Nature's Rights Program initiated a walk along the Rio Grande River from Santa Fe, NM to the Colorado border, to bring awareness to the need for the Rights of Nature for the Rio Grande. This walk will continue in future years as an educational movement.

Creating protective rights for rivers and nature is a primary focus for E.A.R.T.H and its Nature's Rights Program. The environmental laws are no longer working, and attempting to make a government system that protects the environment, when the regulatory bodies side with industry, has proven to be a failure.

Our mission is to create change in the legal system to include rivers as people.

Throughout time people have seen nature as part of their communities deserving of respect and it’s time our local governments adopt this same reverence for the future of our planet and our species. We are a diverse group of activists, students, educators, artists and performers working towards implementing legal personhood and Rights of Nature for the Rio Grande and its tributaries



“This Earth is our House and Alter”

Rev Yamato

Turtle Compassion 501c3

Turtle Compassion 501c3

The 30th Annual 2024 GLOBAL PEACE WALK Starts April 8th in Santa Fe New Mexico and ends on Earth Day April 22nd in Taos New Mexico

“Our goal is to bring light to the darkness of our society and stand together as one global family supporting each other to successfully manifest our highest potentials,” said Global Peace Walk coordinator, Wendy Mason-Sherwood. “Global Peace is a prayer for future generations and it is our last resolve as human beings. If this message of peace spreads throughout the globe, then the earth will become peaceful.”

Initiated in 1990 by Japanese Buddhist Monk Reverend Yusen Yamato – a Zen Shiatzu massage practitioner and coordinator of “Summer of Love” and Woodstock 30th Anniversary – the continuing goal of the Global Peace Walk is to protect land and life and to bring back the spirit with which the Charter of the UN was formed in 1945. At that time, 47 percent of American citizen’s wanted to end war and voted for the creation of the United Nation’s whose purpose was, “to end the scourge of war for succeeding generations,” and “live together in peace.”

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In 1995, Taos became the world’s first proclaimed “Global Peace Zone” city following a proclamation by then-Mayor Fred Peralta which took place during the United Nation’s 50th anniversary Global Peace Walk between New York and San Francisco.

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Global Peace Walk has crossed the country in 1995 and in 2000

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Proclamations of Peace

Proclamations of and Petitions for Peace Zones and Rights of Nature. We will encourage local politicians to sign proclamations of peace as well as support petitions to give rivers and ecosystems protective rights similar to human rights. We will also be supporting local environmental initiatives, all organized locally and represented during the walk through that state, county and the events.


Peace Riders ride for Peace is a way of life with the understanding and knowing that horses can help us back to our hearts, the true Source of Peace.

Our Peace Riders are riding all over the Verde Valley in Arizona and sharing the wisdom of our horses to people we encounter in the community.

We offer Peace Rider workshops, free community offerings, and open ranch days where you can come and share time with our horses.

Our horses are mostly rescued. Their struggles and life challenges did not prevent them from becoming gentle, free, happy and servicing souls again. Seeing them coming back to life is a joy that keeps us being focused and helping people and horses. We rescue horses who are in need of healing, a home, a new path, and partner these horses with people who come for healing, peace and connection.


We are preparing for the 2022 Peace Ride where we will be living out on horseback and inviting you and others to join this experience and the immanent transformation that occurs when you link up with your horse and nature as ONE. This is the true path to Peace and your true essence.

We welcome your heart felt support in the way of volunteerism, sharing this vision, as well as donations to support the horses we foster.

Join a Global Movement


If you or a organization that you know is doing a march or walk for peace environmental awareness, or nuclear disarmament please contact us here



Fridays for the Future Calendar



*** 2020 - first 6 month ***

22-24 January 2020, Wednesday-Friday

  • World Economic Forum (WEF) Failure, Switzerland

    • on der Leyen 100 day countdown End!

    8 February 2020, Saturday

  • EU Ursula von der Leyen 100 day countdown End!

14 February 2020, Friday

  • Valentine’s Earth, Australia and NZ

13 April 2020, Monday

  • XR Rebellion start

22 April 2020, Wednesday

  • Earth Day Network

22-24 April 2020, Wednesday-Friday

  • FFF USA will strike for 3 days

24 April 2020, Friday

  • Friday Strike for Earth Day

1 May 2020, Friday

  • May day Union demonstrations

14 May 2020, Thursday

  • Pope Francis calling a Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance

15 May 2020, Friday

  • Suggested Earth Strike. Unsuitable for Canada.

*** 2020 - second 6 month ***

21 September 2020, Monday

  • Monday, Leaders’ Biodiversity Summit

  • 3 November 2020, TuesdayUS General election and Presidential election

  • 9-19 November 2020

  • COP 26 Glasgow

  • 21 October 2020, Monday

  • Canadian national election

  • ???y

  • Surprise Strikes


*** 2019 ***

8 December 2019, Sunday

  • EU Ursula von der Leyen 100 day countdown End!

  • Marchs in Brussels organised by Climate express and Climate coalition

13 December 2019, Friday

  • Lucky for us

20 December 2019, Friday

  • Global Rainforest Day

  • Save our lungs

*** 2020 - first 6 month ***

22-24 January 2020, Wednesday-Friday

  • World Economic Forum (WEF) Failure, Switzerland

    • on der Leyen 100 day countdown End!

    8 February 2020, Saturday

  • EU Ursula von der Leyen 100 day countdown End!

14 February 2020, Friday

  • Valentine’s Earth, Australia and NZ

13 April 2020, Monday

  • XR Rebellion start

22 April 2020, Wednesday

  • Earth Day Network

22-24 April 2020, Wednesday-Friday

  • FFF USA will strike for 3 days

24 April 2020, Friday

  • Friday Strike for Earth Day

1 May 2020, Friday

  • May day Union demonstrations

14 May 2020, Thursday

  • Pope Francis calling a Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance

15 May 2020, Friday

  • Suggested Earth Strike. Unsuitable for Canada.