Founded by the people for the earth. One of the Nomadic Peace Caravans goals is to educate through compassion. Being a voice for those species and people that don’t have a voice.

Around 200 species go extinct every day.There is just over 8,000,000 Species on earth. We are on the verge of the sixth mass extinction. Every day counts we must make a change now. Peace with the earth is our priority.


We, the walkers believe we have no choice but to rise in a movement to model and encourage change. We will be a flowing river of festive peace. We will allow hope and love to radiate. We will remember that abundance stems from reciprocal relationship with the earth, not forced extraction. We will begin a shift from economies that require a cancerous rate of growth. With each step, we will reawaken the ancient connection to the planet and through prayer and sharing and integrating ideas we will help each other grow. Supporting each other through the daily tasks of living, walking , eating and sleeping we will share our stories of our lives; growing to hear and know each other as one family. We will celebrate our passions and creative forces at parades, gatherings, shows, festivals, and campfires. Calling all to bring what they love, what they value, what they see as important for their future. Together we will share our prayers and dreams for a new way of life, and as we walk across the country we will bring what we have learned while keeping our ears open to the new. Come and join your hand and your heart, help us walk to a new vision of peace and prosperity. 


Global military spending rose to $1.7 trillion last year, an increase of 1.1 per cent on 2016, according to an arms watchdog.May 2, 2018

Hunger kills. Around 9 million people die of hunger and hunger-related diseases every year, more than the lives taken by AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.

We can do better