Environmental Action Reaching Throughout Humanity

Environmental Action Reaching Throughout Humanity (E.A.R.T.H.) promotes sustainable ideas for a healthier future by educating communities about how to protect and preserve their natural resources. E.A.R.T.H supports community sovereignty by teaching people how to build their own off-grid earthen villages and providing access to clean water for Indigenous communities. E.A.R.T.H. helps foster healthy youth through earth-based live-action-roleplay and theater performances, inspired to engage children and young adults with the natural world around them.

E.A.R.T.H. spreads its message through promotional events, educational workshops and community actions in New Mexico, Colorado and Arizona.

E.A.R.T.H. strives to bring awareness to ecological restoration, regenerative technologies and the need for Rights of Nature.


Active Programs

Food Sovereignty Network

E.A.R.T.H.’s Food Sovereignty Network seeks to rebuild trade routes in our country and abroad, not through corporate or government shipping, but through a nonprofit trade network working with organic CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) shares. This trade network connects these farms and communities to make more accessible food and goods that do not grow in our local climates, trading excess commodities in one area with another’s excess commodity in another; a non-profit shipping network .

Mud the Mesa

Mud the Mesa project is a collaborative effort created by and for the Taos Mesa community to involve local builders and architects in helping educate people about the accessibility of low-income, sustainable, earthen building techniques and housing amidst the unprecedented housing crisis in Taos, New Mexico. As rent prices rise, largely due to out-of-state property owners and the short-term rental boom, it is not uncommon to see people, even those born and raised in Taos, having to work two or three jobs to pay their rent and provide for their families.

Additional Programs


Our aim is to build a web of people from across the world and all walks of life who share the common cause of protecting our home. We believe that en masse there can be real change, but to create it, we must walk together.

We need your help…

If you are interested in getting involved and learning more, please contact us here!

Past Programs

The muddy water hole where the Huni Kuin people sourced their drinking water before the wells.

The team of well-drillers putting in the first well.

The boats bringing the water tank and pumps to the villages

Local Huni Kuin girls playing in the clean water that had just been installed by E.A.R.T.H in 2022

Clean Water for The Huni Kuin

Currently, the Huni Kuin people and many other tribes in the Amazon are drinking and bathing in water that is not sanitary or safe and people are getting sick. Tribal leaders asked us to share our lifesaving technology with his tribe, as they share the wisdom of the rainforest with us.

In 2022 the E.A.R.T.H. organization and team brought state-of-the-art NASA filters and installed 3 wells in two of the Huni Kuin villages in Acre, Brazil. Our goal is to further this endeavor by returning back to Acre and searching out other villages in need of clean water.

Listen to our Soil Regeneration and Water Panels at Earth Day Festival in Taos N.M.

“When we look around at the world today, we may find places of great hope and we may find places of great despair. In some places, the lands are war torn, in others, they are polluted from extractions of resources and land fields. At the same time, others are filled with gardens and organic farms, thriving, protected wildlife parks and people focused on finding ways of living that respect and honor the land for future generations. Many people in positions of power have lost the basic understanding that all beings on Earth, and the Earth itself, have a right to thrive. Clean water, air, soil, plants, insects and all animals--in other words, life itself--is not their priority. The time has come for us to protect the water, clean the air, nurture the earth and tend the fire; together.”

-Chaitanya Massera, Peace Walker